Epic Fantasy Adventure with Timeless Values

Official Site of Raymond Keith – Fantasy Writer

 Now Available!

The Inn at the Forest’s Edge

By Raymond Keith

 A quiet stable boy. A charming maiden. A forbidding forest.

But each is more than it seems.

Johann jumped at the offer to work at a local inn for the summer and to get away from the drudgery of the farm. His enthusiasm only increased when he met the tavern owner’s enchanting niece, Faeyn. It wasn’t long before Johann realized that there was something different about the innkeeper and his sister, not to mention the knife-wielding bard and the heavily scarred steed in the stables. Strangest of all was the ominous VenKeth, a vast labyrinthian forest upon whose shadowy edge the property perched. When the inn is attacked and Faeyn kidnapped, the untested youth must find the courage to venture into the frightful woods with only the mysterious creature from the stables to aid him. Will Johann be able to rescue Faeyn and survive the perils of the VenKeth?

Enjoy this epic fantasy novelette. 

Following the principles of First Fruits, all profits from this product will be donated to charities such as Samaritan’s Purse, so you will be helping others suffering in poverty, famine, war, or disaster and being giving hope. 

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I had a great time reading this. It’s a classic fun fantasy adventure…I am very excited to read more stories in this world.

- Andrew

Fun coming of age fantasy story with great family values. So refreshing to read a book where the hero is truly noble and the villains truly villainous…Enjoy!

- Kathy

Current Projects

The Rescue of


By Raymond Keith

Fantasy Writer

Victims of a roadside assault interrupt Devarim’s travels. Finding some dead, he soon realizes that the band of forest ruffians may be holding some victims captive. Severely outnumbered, the ranger will need all his skills to overcome the bandits and their ruthless leader.

Edhelwen left her elfin realm to enter the world of humans for the first time only to be taken captivity by cutthroats intent on selling her as a slave. As she wrestles with the idea of a hopeless future, she must not only think of herself. They have also taken a young human girl.

“The Rescue of Edhelwen” is an introduction to the world of Veardalan—a place of knights and rogues, rangers and goblins, elfin and dwarfin, magic and swords.

Click the button below

to download a free copy!

“Very interesting,…and very well written.”

-Tom R.

Coming Soon

A far greater calling than he imagined. Thankfully, he won’t face it alone.

Young Galieb trained among the elite Qoholet, a hidden society of highly skilled and learned rangers sages. But even among this tight knit community, he feels like an outsider, known as the “Half-elfin.” Ready to find adventure and discover his destiny, the ranger travels north, following rumors of orckin raids. But as Galieb fights orckin, he believes there may be something else behind the dead sheep and missing villagers. Investigation amid the growing chaos leads Galieb to a discovery that changes the course of his life.


…just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed reading your story today!”

– J R Schell, author

Fantasy Author

Raymond Keith

Raymond grew up wandering the woods and fields of Pennsylvania looking for elves, goblins and dragons. He is fascinated with all of God’s creation, both the natural and supernatural, talking to every animal he meets. To rest from reality, he would create stories for himself, but now shares them with others. As a servant of the True King, Christ, Raymond is currently assigned as a state park manager in southeast Montana. He lives with his enchanting bride and has been given an amazing daughter.

Raymond Keith Epic Fantasy Author copyright EAH Creative

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