Epic Fantasy Adventure with Timeless Values.

The Rescue of Edhelwen

By Raymond Keith

Fantasy Writer

Bandits abuse and enslave.

Rangers rescue. Elfin endure.

Victims of a roadside assault interrupt Devarim’s travels. Finding some dead, he soon realizes that the band of forest ruffians may be holding some victims captive. Severely outnumbered, the ranger will need all his skills to overcome the bandits and their ruthless leader.

Edhelwen left her elfin realm to enter the world of humans for the first time only to be taken captivity by cutthroats intent on selling her as a slave. As she wrestles with the idea of a hopeless future, she must not only think of herself. They have also taken a young human girl.

“The Rescue of Edhelwen” is an introduction to the world of Veardalan—a place of knights and rogues, rangers and goblins, elfin and dwarfin, magic and swords.

“I enjoyed ‘The Rescue of Edhelwen’!… I look forward to this future novel involving Devarim and Edhelwen.” 

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