I celebrated my 55th birthday last week. For my birthday this year, I went to the Realm Makers Writers Conference in St. Louis. Realm Makers is an organization “to support writers and artists who create science fiction and fantasy in their journeys from idea to marketplace. Whether participating artists wish to gear their content for inspirational or mainstream audiences, Realm Makers seek to encourage them from a faith-friendly perspective.”

This was my first writer’s conference, and I would like to share a few thoughts. I am still a newbie to the craft and industry and I came with certain expectations and, honestly, some anxiety. First, it impressed me the way the Lord was honored by keynote speakers and organizers. We were reminded over and over to create for the glory of God foremost over just writing fun stories. Prayer was always available, and we knew God called us to do this. Second, there was great encouragement. Publishers, mentors, editors, and fellow writers all encouraged us (even during critiques and pitches) to be our best and to press forward with writing and growing. Third, the quality of the classes and mentoring was impressive—better than I expected. I learned so much and went home a better writer than when I came. Fourth, it was great fun! Everyone was friendly and glad to be there. It was great to make new friends.

I pitched my novella and received positive feedback. The publisher took my “one sheet” and a few chapters with her. I do not expect it to be an ideal fit, but this encouraged me overall. I also did two mentioning sessions. One was only 15 minutes with a publisher and the other was a 30 minute paid critique. The critique found plenty that needed improvements, but also gave me expert advice for creating a better story.

Hopefully, I will make it again next year with a published work in hand.