My Five Favorite Themes
Recently, I experimented with an AI tool that asked me to enter my three favorite movies. The point of the exercise is to help someone find “the theme of their life.” I assume the theory is by looking at your favorite movies, it reveals something about your own personality and preferences. It reveals the themes you most admire.
There is a plenty of controversy over AI tools, but this was just for fun.
I choose the films “The Lord of the Rings” (all three as one), “Ben-Hur”, and “The Princess Bride.” According to this tool, all exhibit a few common themes (in no particular order):
1. Epic Adventure: All three films revolve around a grand journey or quest that the main characters undertake.
2. Good versus Evil: Each film showcases a struggle between good and evil.
3. Heroism: The films feature a central heroic character who must overcome great odds to achieve their goal.
4. Redemption/Sacrifice: In these films, characters redeem themselves or make sacrifices for the greater good.
5. Love: There is a romantic subplot in each film.
Looking at these themes, I believe this tool worked with accuracy for me. All five represent what I look for in books and greatly admire.
Epic Adventure
At the top of my website you will see the tag line, “Epic Fantasy Adventure with Timeless Values.” Adventure is something that has always excited me. Not only do I read fantasy epics like The Lord of The Rings, but my brothers and I went on many real-life adventures such as world travel, backpacking, and exploration of wilderness areas.
Good vs Evil
As long as I can remember, I always believed in fighting against evil. Evil is destructive and self-centered, and I was taught the Biblical values of love, sacrifice, and making life better for all.
Fighting evil requires heroism. Being brave while facing an enemy. Standing when you want to flee or moving forward when you are tempted to take the easy way. Heroes do the right thing even when it is hard to do so.
Redemption and Sacrifice
Many times, being a hero is more than being strong. Sometimes being brave means being willing to give up something. Something valuable or that you greatly desire, even your own life. In The Lord of the Rings, Frodo, Sam, and each one in the fellowship sacrificed something for the sake of saving or protecting others. Many times, sacrifice leads to redemption and forgiveness. By giving something dear to us up, we gain something greater in the end. Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins, leading to redemption not only for His people, but for all of creation.
Long lasting relationships between a man and a woman are gifts from God. There is a special joy in seeing two people in love or in being in love yourself. This can add a special bonus to any story and seems to be a part of traditional epic fantasy. My favorite Tolkien story is Beren and Luthien.
My Stories, Same Themes
As I played with this AI experiment, I realized these themes can be found in my own stories. This program captured my personality.
Most of my stories involve an epic style fantasy adventure. The Inn at the Forest’s Edge takes place in a mystic forest with goblins and elfin. The upcoming Ranger’s Calling series will be a grand adventure following the half-elfin ranger Galieb N’ethilion as he faces fantastical creatures and challenging people. My protagonists are heroic and brave, sacrificing to overcome evil.
If you wish to learn more about my writing, sign up for my newsletter and download a free short story.
Look for my upcoming novel release Ranger’s Calling: The Fires of Wynchell
Tales of Timeless Values
I prefer noblebright or nobledark stories. Stories of hope and triumph. Good overcoming evil. Darkness may be victorious for a season, even a long season, but it fails in the end. Evil cannot last because it destroys itself. Greed, selfishness, envy, gluttony are all self-destructive. Those that stand for justice always will arise, even when the odds seem overwhelming. We want genuine heroes. Men and women who sacrifice it all for others, who stand in bravery even when all seems lost or hopeless. Stories of justice, truth, beauty, and integrity. These are the stories we love. Stories that glorify God and His nature. They are timeless and these are the stories I write. If you enjoy epic fantasy adventure with timeless values, try my stories. Sign up for my newsletter. Let us share an adventure together!
The Inn at the Forest’s Edge
My first published novelette, The Inn at the Forest’s Edge, takes place in Veardalan, a medieval style world with goblins and elves, unicorns and dryads roaming an ancient, enchanted forest. A young hero must enter the mystical woods, learn to face his doubts, and find his courage. If that stirs wonder in you, you may purchase it here.